2007年12月29日 星期六


根據經濟部長Pedro Solbes的說法, 西班牙人仍然沒完全掌控歐元的價值而且常常小費太多. 自從2002年引進歐元,小費給的過多已經增加西班牙消費者對物價比較高的感覺, 他說道.
solbes先生在馬德里的一個政黨大會上說:人們還沒體認到歐元的價值,西班牙的通貨膨脹比歐洲其他地區還高, 上個月是4.0%.
在西班牙首都的一個社會黨的經濟研討會上, Solbes先生說: 我看到有人喝一杯咖啡而且悄悄地留下一歐元的小費, 那是一杯咖啡(那產品)的50%價錢.
5年前, 在歐元衝擊這些街道前, 留下25比塞塔(peseta)的小費是正常的. 1歐元就價值166比塞塔.

Spaniards tip too much - minister
Spaniards still have not fully got to grips with the value of the euro and often tip too much, according to Economy Minister Pedro Solbes.
Over-tipping had added to the sense among Spanish consumers that the cost of living is higher since the euro's introduction in 2002, he said.
"People haven't taken on board the value of a euro," Mr Solbes told a political rally in Madrid.
Spain's inflation is higher than other eurozone states - at 4.1% last month. "I see people having a couple of coffees and calmly leaving a euro tip," Mr Solbes told a Socialist Party economic forum in the Spanish capital.
"That's 50% of the value of the product." Before the euro hit the streets five years ago, leaving a 25 peseta tip was the norm. One euro was then worth 166 pesetas.

資料來源: http://news.bbc.co.uk/
